Personal training for entrepreneurs with busy schedules

Your Health Personal Training for Entrepreneurs

Since 2007

Are you busy and short on time? We are your big stick!
  • Personal training at home (or outdoors) is very effective for business owners with busy schedules.

  • We understand that you are busy and have many balls to keep high. Because of this, it can be quite challenging to find the time and energy to (continue to) exercise.

  • Because every week the trainer is at your doorstep, you go. By training in this way, you will develop an exercise routine that fits into a busy life in a feasible way. You really get a boost for a while and have a stick!


  • YourHealth offers professional guidance and coaching in the areas of
    nutrition, mindset and balance. By working on your mental and physical health, you will improve your taxability both personally and professionally.

  • Happy to save you time and hassle. That’s why one of our personal trainers with all the gear to you. So we provide Personal training 7 days a week, between 06:30-22:00h at home, outdoors or at your office. We are your personal trainer where and when you want!

  • The cost of our coaching jet may possibly be tax deductible for business owners.

Benefits personal training for business owners

As an entrepreneur, what can you expect from us?

Fit and healthy staff through Business bootcamp

Did you know that YourHealth also provides Business bootcamps, throughout almost all of the Netherlands? During this workout, the entire team gets a full-body workout. The business bootcamp is open to everyone, regardless of age and athletic level. In this process, the team trains in groups at a location close to the company. This can be indoors or outdoors. The class is provided by one of our personal trainers.

  • More team spirit in the workplace;
  • Healthy employees and lower absenteeism;
  • Improved concentration, performance and load capacity;
  • Efficient use of time.
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